Thursday, June 20, 2013

Week 42 - White

The name's White, Betty White, and she's "off her rocker". Have you seen the show yet, because I hadn't until this week and I have to say it about knocked me off mine. My wife and I have been spending increasing amounts of time indoors in front of the television in search of laughs. And if you haven't been expecting a child, don't judge. By this far along, she's just searching for any temperature that makes her feel a bit less like an oven, and for a place that she can rest where she's not heating up that oven. It's probably pretty tough being a pregnant woman, but I will never know. What I do know is how much I admire her for her perseverance and positive attitude. She will be a wonderful mother, and I can't wait to see it.

So we were watching this show and I recommend you check it out if you don't mind old people and crude/foul humor. Truth be told, my ears burned at some of the things said, but that doesn't mean I wasn't able to appreciate the humor. The premise is that Betty has collected a bunch of old people together and then the entire thing is film clips of them pranking younger people (which leaves the door wide open to prank about anyone). Almost every show is the same, same pranks done by the same people, but done to different people. Pretty light, easy to follow humor - it sure helped us as we tried to relax after long days that are getting hotter.

Wicked was the highlight of our week, and in honor of my wife I will post the video link to the "best version, ever" of "Defying Gravity". I personally really like this play, even though this time the bubble queen was a bit too bubbly and the chorus seemed a bit more random than organized. It was a really great time and I enjoyed it a lot. What a wonderful anniversary gift from our in-laws; I know it was super special for my wife and it's so great to get out on a date this late in the pregnancy.

Great color for the new beer.
My 4th year of the Pelotonia really feels like it is rolling as this week was the 1st Buckeye Biker Bash, headlined by a new Nashville singer, Evan Blankenship. Evan was nice enough to pose with us classy cancer-haters and he has a great voice with versatility and a grasp of the good country sound without all the fake twangy. I liked his performance and only wished he could've been a larger part of the show. Beer, good music and anti-cancer fundraising always go together like peas and carrots. Meanwhile my own beer at home has taken a turn for the doubtful. Don't go writing it off quite yet, but the carbonation is just not perking up on it. Luckily, it's a bitter ale, so the carbonation doesn't have to be perfect, but I'd love to see a bit more head on it, and for it to at least have some carbonation worth mentioning. A guy down at a local brew-store suggested that my basement was too cold for the yeast, and after further investigating, it would appear he is right. With the bottle inverted twice and a 1st floor location, carbonation started to build up in just a few days. Hopefully I can turn this frown upside down again because the beer itself tastes really good.

Us with Evan Blankenship at the Buckeye Biker Bash!
Sadly, in our volunteer world, an extension employee of great value to the program passed away suddenly this week. Remember, you should never take your time walking this earth for granted. And always, always tell people how much you appreciate them.

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